Uni-P Dry > Breweries


The Importance of a Dehumidifier in Breweries

Breweries must store beer in containers for several weeks before it matures. They must also mix ingredients under certain conditions. Unfortunately during this process, brewers often encounter a myriad of problems such as mold and bacterial growth caused by high humidity and excessive condensation.

Beer storage vessels must remain cold for quite some time to allow for fermentation. At some point, the process requires that temperatures be raised. Unfortunately, such conditions provide a conducive environment for mold growth, which means that brewers must rely on dehumidifiers to dry the air and eliminate possible microbiological growth.

The process of malt extraction should be conducted under specific relative humidity conditions. If the humidity is not monitored and controlled, the malt may not provide the expected results. Dehumidifiers are vital in all of these situations. They can be used to maintain ideal conditions in the brewing areas, and reduce the absorption of moisture. In some cases, a dehumidifier may also be used to raise the temperature to a specified level to speed up the fermentation process. It is then used to dry the malt before it can be stored in ideal conditions to reduce degradation.

Notice that the art of brewing requires a blend of technology  to get the desired results. It also requires high hygienic standards and adherence to a strict brewing process. Controlling the temperature and humidity is critical in determining the results the brewer will get. If better controls are put in place, it reduces risks and guarantees better brewing results. Brewers can rely on dehumidifiers in the following areas:

To Control Temperatures

The brewing process requires controlled climates. For instance, ingredients can only be mixed under certain temperatures, and therefore brewers can use dehumidifiers to regulate the temperature in the process.

Brewers also have infrastructure that needs to be protected from condensation. They use dehumidifiers to keep the temperatures at optimal levels and eliminate condensation, making it difficult for mold and bacteria to grow. When you allow mold and bacteria to flourish on ceilings and walls, they cause corrosion that damages equipment and fittings. It can also lead to unhygienic conditions, and make it difficult to keep equipment clean.

Eliminates Humidity

The air inside a brewing storage facility often contains lots of water vapor. If left uncontrolled, it can condense and cause a variety of issues. By deploying dehumidifiers, the brewer can control humidity in all storage areas, and bring humidity to below 65% to maintain the temperature at 20 degrees centigrade. Dehumidifiers solve the issue of condensation once and for all, and create conditions that discourage the growth of mold and mildew. This is critical since it ensures that the brewing area is devoid of allergens that can threaten the health of workers.


The benefits of having a dehumidifier in a brewery are many and varied. It helps to control air conditions and eliminate problems that stem from condensation. A dehumidifier also prevents corrosion and damage to equipment, structure, and fittings. Compared to other equipment, dehumidifiers are energy efficient, saving brewers from high utility bills associated with using other air conditioning equipment. Lastly, dehumidifiers are easy to use and clean, and can be relied on to keep the brewing environment hygienic.

Fixed Install Dehumidifier


Overhead Dehumidifier
